The Wanderer; or, Female Difficulties (Volume 4 of 5) Read online

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  Unweariedly concerting means of detection relative to the stranger,which no failure of success could discourage, Mrs Ireton and Mrs Maplesate whispering upon the same sofa in the drawing-room; while Selina andMiss Arramede were tittering at a window.

  'How do you do, ladies?' cried Miss Bydel. 'In close chat, I see.However, I don't want to know what it's about. I'm only come to speak aword about this poor thing here, for fear you should think she has beenall this time gossipping about her own affairs; which, I assure you, MrsIreton, I can bear witness for her i'n't the case.'

  The supercilious silence of Mrs Ireton to this address, would haveauthorised the immediate retreat of Juliet, but that Ireton maliciouslyplaced himself against the door, and impeded its being opened; whileLord Melbury and Harleigh were obliged to approach the sofa, to paytheir compliments to the lady of the mansion; who, giving them her wholeattention, left Miss Bydel to finish her harangue to Mrs Maple.

  'Right! True!' cried Mr Giles, eager to abet what he thought the goodnature of Miss Bydel. 'What you say is just and fair, Mrs Bydel; forthis pretty young lady here wanted to go from these two gentlemen theminute we came up to her; only Mrs Bydel's arm being rather, I conceive,heavy, she could not so soon break away. But I did not catch one of herpretty dimples all the time. So pray, Mrs Ireton, don't be angry withher; and the less because she's so sweet tempered, that, if you are, shewon't complain; for she never did of Mrs Maple.'

  'I hope this is curious enough!' cried Mrs Maple. 'A body to come andlive upon me, for months together, upon charity, and then not tocomplain of me! I think if this is not enough to cure people of charity,I wonder what is! For my part, I am heartily sick of it, for the rest ofmy life.'

  Juliet having again, but vainly, tried to pass by Ireton, retired to anunoccupied window. Harleigh, though engaged in discourse with MrsIreton, reddened indignantly; and Lord Melbury nearly mashed the nailsof his fingers between his teeth; while Mr Giles, staring, demanded,'Why what can there be, Ma'am, in charity, to turn you so sick? A poorhelpless young creature, like that, can't make you her toad-eater.'

  Alarmed at an address which she looked upon as a prognostic to anexhortation, of which she dreaded, from experience, the plainness andseverity, Mrs Maple hastily changed her place: while Mrs Ireton,startled, also, by the word toad-eater, unremittingly continued speakingto the two gentlemen; whose attention, nevertheless, she could not for amoment engage, though their looks and persons were her prisoners.

  'I don't know why you ladies who are so rich and gay,' continued MrGiles, composedly, and, to the great annoyance of Mrs Ireton, takingpossession of the seat which Mrs Maple had abdicated; 'should not try tomake yourselves pleasant to those who are poor and sad. You, that havegot every thing you can wish for, should take as much pains not to bedistasteful, as a poor young thing like that, who has got nothing butwhat she works for, should take pains not to be starved.'

  Mrs Ireton, extremely incensed, though affecting to be unconcerned,haughtily summoned Ellis.

  Ellis, forced to obey, went to the back of the sofa, to avoid standingby the side of the two gentlemen; and determined to make use of thisopportunity for announcing her project of retreat.

  'Pray, Ma'am,' Mrs Ireton cried, 'permit me to enquire--' her eyeangrily, yet cautiously, glancing at Mr Giles, 'to what extraordinarycircumstance I am indebted, for having the honour of receiving yourvisitors? Not that I am insensible to such a distinction; you won'timagine me such an Hottentot, I hope, as to be insensible to sohonourable a distinction! Nevertheless, you'll pardon me, I trust, if Itake the liberty to intimate, that, for the future, when any of yourfriends are to be indulged in waiting upon you, you will have thegoodness to receive them in your own apartments. You'll excuse the hint,I flatter myself!'

  'I shall intrude no apologies upon your time, Madam,' said Ellis,calmly, 'for relinquishing a situation in which I have acquitted myselfso little to your satisfaction: to-morrow, therefore--'

  Anticipating, and eager to convert a resignation which she regarded as adisgrace, into a dismission which she considered as a triumph, MrsIreton impatiently interrupted her, crying, 'To-morrow? And why are weto wait for to-morrow? What has to-day done? Permit me to ask that. Andpray don't take it ill. Pray don't let me offend you: only--what haspoor to-day done, that to-morrow must have such a preference?'

  Juliet, frightened at the idea of being reduced to pass a night alone atan inn, now hesitated; and Mrs Ireton, smiling complacently around her,went on.

  'Suffer me, I beg, to speak a little word for poor, neglected to-day!Have we not long enough been slaves to to-morrow? Let the pleasures ofdear expectation be superseded, this once, for those of actualenjoyment. Not but 'twill be very severe upon me to lose you. I don'tdissemble that. So gay a companion! I shall certainly expire anhypochondriac upon first missing your amusing sallies. I can neversurvive such a deprivation. No! It's all over with me! You pity me, I amsure, my good friends?'

  She now looked around, with an expression of ineffable satisfaction ather own wit: but it met no applause, save in the ever ready giggles ofSelina, and the broad admiration of the round-eyed Miss Bydel.

  Juliet silently courtsied, with a gravity that implied a leave-taking,and, approaching the door, desired that Ireton would let her pass.

  Ireton, laughing, declared that he should not suffer her to decamp, tillshe gave him a direction where he could find her the next day.

  Offended, she returned again to her window.

  'O, now, pray, Mrs Ireton,' cried Miss Bydel, 'don't turn her away, poorthing! don't turn her away, Ma'am, for such a mere little fault. I daresay she'll do her best to please you, if you'll only try her again.Besides, if she's turned off in this manner, just as young Lord Melburyis here, he may try to make her his kept mistress again. At leastnaughty people will say so.'

  'Who will say so, Ma'am?' cried Lord Melbury, starting up, in a rage towhich he was happy to find so laudable a vent: 'Who will dare say so?Name me a single human being!'

  'Lord, my lord,' answered Miss Bydel, a little frightened; 'nobody, verylikely! only it's best to be upon one's guard against evil speakers; foryoung lords at your time of life, a'n't apt to be quite so good as theyare when they are more stricken in years. That's all I mean, my lord;for I don't mean to affront your lordship, I'm sure.'

  Mrs Ireton, again beckoning to Ellis, said, 'Pray, Mrs Thing-a-mi, haveyou done me so much honour as to make out your bill?' And,ostentatiously, she produced her purse. 'What is the amount, Ma'am, ofmy debt?'

  Juliet paused a moment, and then answered, ''Tis an amount, Madam, muchtoo difficult and complicate for me, just now, to calculate!'

  Mr Giles, alertly rising, cried, 'Let me help you, then, my pretty lady,to cast it up. What have you given her upon account, Mrs Ireton?'

  'I am not her book-keeper, Sir!' returned Mrs Ireton, extremely nettled.'I don't pretend to the honour of acting as her steward! But I trust shewill be good enough to take what is her due. 'Tis very much beneath her,I own; extremely beneath her, I confess; yet I hope, this once, she willlet herself down so far.' And, ten guineas, which she had held in herhand, were augmented to twenty, which she paradingly flung upon thetable.

  Mrs Maple and Miss Bydel poured forth the warmest exclamations ofadmiration at this magnificence; but Juliet, quietly saying, 'Let mehope, Madam, that my successor may merit your generosity,' againcourtsied, and was going: when Mr Giles, eagerly picking up the money,and following her with it, spread upon his open hand, said, 'What do yougo without your cash for, my pretty lady? Why don't you take yourguineas?'

  'Excuse, excuse me, Sir!' cried Juliet, hastily, and trying to be gone.

  'And why?' cried he, a little angrily. 'Are they not your own? What haveyou been singing for, and playing, and reading, and walking? andhumouring the little naughty boy? and coddling the cross little dog?Take your guineas, I say. Would you be so proud as to leave theobligation all on the side of Mrs Ireton?'

  A smile at this statem
ent, in defiance of her distress, irresistiblystole its way upon the features of Juliet; while Mrs Ireton, stung tothe quick, though forcing a contemptuous laugh, exclaimed, 'This isreally the height of the marvellous! It transcends all my poor ideas! Iown that! I can't deny that! However, I must drop my acquaintanceentirely with Miss Arbe, if it is to subject me to intrusions of everysort, on pretence of visiting that Miss what's her name! I have hadquite enough of all this! I really desire no more.'

  Harleigh, to hide his acute interest in the situation of Juliet,pretended to be examining a portrait that was hung over thechimney-piece; but Lord Melbury, less capable of self-restraint,applaudingly seized the hand of Mr Giles, and grasping it warmly,cried, 'Where may I have the pleasure of waiting upon you, Sir? I desireinfinitely to cultivate your acquaintance.'

  'And I shall like it too, my good young nobleman,' said Mr Giles, with alook of great satisfaction; and was beginning, at very full length, togive his direction, when Selina called out from the window, as acarriage drove up to the door, 'Mrs Ireton, it's Lord Denmeath'slivery.'

  Lord Melbury, abruptly breaking from Mr Giles, hurried out of the room;which alone prevented the same action from Juliet, whose face suddenlyexhibited horrour rather than affright. But she felt that to fly theuncle, at a moment when she might seem to pursue the nephew, might bebig with suspicious mischief; and, though shaking with terrour, sheplaced herself as if she were examining a small landscape, behind animmense screen, which in summer, as well as in winter, nearly surroundedthe sofa of Mrs Ireton. And hence she hoped, when his lordship should beentered, to steal unnoticed from the room.

  'This is a stroke that surpasses all the rest!' faintly cried MrsIreton; 'that Lord Denmeath, whom I have not seen these seven ages,should renew his acquaintence at an epoch of such strange disorder in myhouse! He will never believe this apartment to be mine! it will not bepossible for him to believe it. He'll conclude me in some lodging. He'llimagine me the victim of some dreadful reverse of fortune. He is solittle accustomed to see me in any motley group! He can so little figureme to himself as a person in a general herd!'

  'Well, I, for one, am here by mere accident, to be sure,' said MissBydel; 'but, however, I did not come in from mere curiosity, I assureyou, Mrs Ireton; for I knew nothing of Lord Denmeath's being to come.However, as I happen to be here, I sha'n't be sorry to see his lordship,if I sha'n't be in anybody's way, for I never happened to be where hewas before. Only I can't think what Lord Melbury went off so quick for;unless it was to shew his uncle the way up stairs. And if it was forthat, it was pretty enough of him.'

  'No, no, you'll be in nobody's way, Mrs Bydel,' said Mr Giles; 'don't beafraid of that. Here's abundance of room for us all. The apartment's avery good apartment for that.'

  Mrs Ireton now, impatiently ringing the bell, demanded, of a servant,what he had done with Lord Denmeath; adding, 'I should be glad, Sir, tobe informed! very glad, I must confess; for, perhaps, as you have beenso good as to shew a visitor of one of my people into the drawing-room,you may have thought proper to usher a visitor of mine into thekitchen?'

  His lordship, the servant answered, had been met by Lord Melbury, uponalighting from the coach, and had stept with him into thedining-parlour.

  Mrs Maple exulted that she could now, at last, have an opportunity toclear herself of his lordship, about the many odd appearances which hadso long stood against her: while Ireton, who had espied the effort ofJuliet to escape notice, called out, 'I don't know where the devil Ihave put my hat;' and suddenly pushing towards her, with a blustrousappearance of search, gave her a mischievous nod, as she started backfrom his bold approach, and encircled her completely within the broadleaves of the screen.

  She suffered this malicious sport in preference to attempting anyresistance; though vexed at the noise which she must now unavoidablymake in removing.

  She was scarcely thus enclosed, when Lord Denmeath was announced.

  Her heart now beat so violently with terrour, that her shaking handcould scarcely grasp a leaf of the screen, as she tried to make anopening for letting herself out, while his lordship was returning areception of fawning courtesy, by some embarrassed and ambiguousapologies, relative to the motives of his visit. And when, at length,she succeeded, she was deterred from endeavouring to abscond, by seeingHarleigh, with his hand upon the door, making his bow.

  Mrs Maple, interfering, would not permit him to depart; clamorouslydeclaring, that he was the properest person to give an account to hislordship of this adventurer, as he must best know why he had forced themto take such a body into their boat.

  With deep agitation, and blushing anxiety, Juliet now unavoidably heardHarleigh answer, 'I can but repeat to his lordship what I have athousand times assured these ladies, that I have not the smallestknowledge whence this young lady comes, nor whom she may be. I can only,therefore, reply to these enquiries from my mental perceptions. Theseconvince me, through progressive observations, that she is a person ofhonour, well educated, accustomed to good society, highly principled,and noble minded. You smile, my lord! But those only who judge withoutconversing with her, or converse without drawing forth her sentiments,can annex any disparaging doubt to the mystery of her situation. Herconduct has rather been exemplary than irreproachable from the momentthat she has been cast upon our knowledge; though she has suffered,during that short interval, distress of almost every description. Herlanguage is always that of polished life; her manners, even when heroccupations are nearly servile, are invariably of distinguishedelegance; yet, with all their softness, all their gentleness, she has acourage that, upon the most trying occasions, is superiour todifficulty; and a soul that, even in the midst of injury and misfortune,depends upon itself, and is above complaint. Such, my lord, I think her!not, indeed, from any certain documents; but from a self-conviction,founded, I repeat, upon progressive observations; which have the weightwith me, now, of mathematical demonstration.'

  Tears resistless, yet benign, flowed down the cheeks of Juliet inlistening to this defence; and, while she endeavoured to disperse them,before she ventured from her retreat, Lord Denmeath began an enquiry,whether this young person had regularly refused to say who she was; orwhether she had occasionally made any partial communication; or givenany hints relative to her family or connexions.

  Juliet was now in an agony of mind indescribable. She had hoped to glideaway with the general party unobserved; but Harleigh had kept constantlyat the door till he made his exit; which, now, was so crowdinglyfollowed by that of every one, except Mrs Ireton and his lordship, thatthe delay ended in making her, individually, more conspicuous. Yet, tooverhear, unsuspectedly, a conversation believed to be private, eventhough she knew herself to be its subject, was dishonour: hastily,therefore, though shaking in every limb, she forced herself from withoutthe screen.

  Mrs Ireton shrieked and sunk back upon the sofa, crying out, 'Oh, mylord, she's here!--Concealed to listen to us!--What a shock!--I shallfeel it these three years!'

  Juliet fleetly crossed the drawing-room, without daring to raise herhead; but Lord Denmeath, passing quickly before her, as if intending toopen the door, held the handle of the lock, while, steadily examiningher as he spoke, he said, 'Will you give me leave, Ma'am, to see you fora few minutes to-morrow?'

  Juliet made not, nor even attempted to make any answer: terrour waspainted in every line of her face, and she trembled so violently, thatshe was forced to catch by the back of a chair, to save herself fromfalling.

  'I hope, Ma'am,' said Lord Denmeath, 'you are not ill?' and,approaching her with a look of compassion, added, in a whisper, 'I knowyou!--but be not frightened. I will not hurt you. I will speak to youto-morrow alone, and arrange something to your advantage.'

  Juliet seemed utterly overcome, and remained motionless.

  'Compose yourself,' continued Lord Denmeath, speaking louder, andturning towards the wondering Mrs Ireton; 'I will see you when and whereyou please to-morrow.'

  Mrs Ireton, whose own curiosity knew not how to brook an
y delay, nowrecovered sufficient strength to rise; and, begging that his lordshipwould not postpone his business, she passed into her boudoir; the doorof which, however, Lord Denmeath failed not to remark, was shut withoutmuch vigour.

  Lowering, therefore, his tone till, even to Juliet, it was scarcelyaudible, 'We cannot,' he said, 'converse here with any openness; but, ifyou are not your own enemy, you may make me your friend; though I cannotbut take ill your coming over against my advice and injunctions, andthus insidiously introducing yourself to my nephew and niece.'

  Juliet here looked up, with an air of self-vindication; but LordDenmeath steadily went on.

  'I have for some time suspected who you were, though but vaguely; yet,attributing your voyage to the officious counsel of the Bishop, Icontented myself, for the moment, with putting a stop to yourintercourse with my credulous young relations. But other information hasreached me; and reached me at the very moment when Mrs Howel,--when,indeed, my nephew and niece themselves had acquainted me with themeeting at Arundel Castle. I will talk upon all these matters in detailto-morrow morning. I have only to demand, in the interval, that you willneither speak nor write to Lord Melbury. I have already obtained hispromise to be quiet till our conference is over. But I know that thereare ways and means to induce a young man to forget his engagements. Ihope you will try none such. Where can we have our conversation?'

  'No where, my lord!' to the utter astonishment of Lord Denmeath, andeven to her own, Juliet now, with sudden spirit, answered: but thecourage which had been subdued by apprehension, was revived, during thepreceding harangue, by strong glowing indignation.

  'What is it,' when amazement would give him leave to speak, 'what isit,' Lord Denmeath said, 'that you mean?'

  'That I will not trouble your lordship to offer me directions that Imay not be at liberty to follow. I have already, my lord, a guide; andone to whose judgment I shall submit implicitly. That Bishop, whom yourlordship is pleased to call officious, is my first, best, and nearlyonly friend; and if ever again I should be so blest as to meet with him,his opinion shall be my law,--as his benediction will be my happiness!'

  In great emotion, yet with unappalled dignity, she was departing; butLord Denmeath, with an air of surprize, stopping her, said, 'You arethen a Papist?'

  'No, my lord, I am firmly a Protestant! But, as such, I am a Christian;so, and most piously, yet not illiberally, is the Bishop.'

  'What is it,--tell me, if you please, that this Bishop purposes? Torenew those old claims so long ago vainly canvassed? Can he imagine hewill now have more influence than when possessed of his episcopal rankand fortune? Set him right in that point. You will do him a friendlyturn. And permit me to do a similar one by yourself. I know the whole ofyour situation!'

  Juliet started.

  'I have just had information which I meant to communicate to you,accompanied with offers of mediation and assistance; but you aresufficient to yourself! or your champion, the Bishop, makes all otheraid superfluous! Suffer me, nevertheless, to intimate to you, that youwill do well to return, quietly and expeditiously, to the spot whenceyou came. You may else make the voyage less pleasantly!'

  The colour which resentment and exertion had just raised in the cheeksof Juliet, now faded away, and left them nearly as white as snow. LordDenmeath, softening his voice and manner, and changing the haughty airof his countenance into something that approached to kindness, went onmore gently.

  'I did not mean to alarm, but to befriend you. I allow not only for youryouth and inexperience, but for the false ideas with which you have beenbrought up. If it had not pleased the Bishop to interfere, all wouldhave been amicably arranged from the first. Take, however, a little timefor reflection. Think upon the enormous risk which you run!--a fineyoung woman, like you,--and you are, indeed, a very fine young woman;flying from her house and home--'

  Juliet, shaking, shuddering, hid her face, and burst into tears.

  'I see that it is not impossible to work upon you,' he continued; 'Iwill beg Mrs Ireton, therefore, to let us converse to-morrow where wemay canvass the matter at leisure. The road is still open for you toaffluence and credit. It will make me very happy to be your conductor.You will find I am authorized so to be. Make yourself, therefore, aseasy as you can, and depend upon my best offices. We will certainly meetto-morrow morning.'

  He then bowed to her, and moved towards the boudoir; which Mrs Ireton,appearing accidentally to open the door that had never been shut,quitted, to receive him; while Juliet, in speechless disorder, retired.